Gojee Changelog (Updated 2024/09/04)

Gojee 5.3 – 2024/09/04


  • Ability to drag and drop items on the Job Bill of Material page. The order reflects to quote and invoices.
  • A second location to add items into the BOM at the bottom of the page. Items added this way will be inserted at the bottom of the list.


  • Job import function has been updated to loosen restrictions and allow for some formatting issues to be ignored during import.


  • Addressed issue where approving a quote can sometimes make the Job Bill of Materials page crash.
  • (5.3.1) Fixed issue where cloning a job would sometimes not copy the job’s order.
  • (5.3.2) Fixed issue in the Job Bill of Materials where Total Cost for templates, Qty Reserved and Qty consumed did not display correctly.

Gojee 5.2 – 2024/08/30


  • A button on the Job List page that allows for basic bulk importing of jobs from CSV files.
  • Additional units of measure that were missing from the system.

Gojee 5.1 – 2024/08/27


  • Ability for job managers to manually mark POs and quotes as “sent” or “unsent”.
  • Actions dropdown on Template list page with option to export all templates to a CSV file.
  • Options menu for each template on both the list and edit screen for easy access to common actions.
  • Ability to clone a template from both the template list and from within a template’s edit screen.


  • BOM line item dropdown now shows item descriptions for easy distinction between items with similar names.
  • Template edit screen now shows when the template has been modified and has an option to revert modifications.
  • “Terminate” option for templates has been moved to Template Actions menu to prevent accidental presses.
  • Sent emails will now display as icons for job PO, quote, and invoice lists.


  • Addressed issue with goods receipts not displaying original prices of ordered items, only received prices.
  • Fixed problem where adding a supplier for an item wouldn’t display the supplier’s currency in initial modal.
  • Solved issue where creating a purchase order for stock errors if the organisation had a very large quantity of different stock items.



Previous Versions

Gojee 5.0 – 2024/08/22


  • Multiple Units of Measure feature for inventory items, including a separate base, buy and sell UoM for each tracked stock item (beta version).
  • Improvements to the picking process which enable users to choose what items from the BOM to pick, as well as each picking slip having its own workflow.
  • Styling to the inventory list page to more easily see items that are below stock re-order quantity, or above high stock quantity.
  • Shortcut to quickly re-order low stock from the inventory list page.
  • A filter option to display the reserved quantity column on the inventory list page.


  • Navigation dashboard screen styling has been updated.
  • Navigation dashboard is now accessible to all users, and features will show based off the role(s) assigned.
  • Styling added to icons on the BOM page for easy distinction.
  • Purchase orders allow for manually choosing a specific delivery date, overriding item lead time.


  • Issue with item description not saving when creating single-use items.
  • Issue where single-use items would be exported with inventory CSV.
  • Issue with a job’s BOM not being re-assembled correctly from approved quotes.
  • Other minor fixes.
  • (5.0.1) Addressed a bug where many aspects of existing jobs (picking slip, record consumables etc.) created before 5.0 may not work correctly.
  • (5.0.2) Issue where job cannot be saved after editing suppliers of untracked items.


Gojee 4.11 – 2024/07/03


  • More streamlined process to create single use items. This includes default Xero account pre-selection, advanced options, and ability to edit single use items.
  • Introduced the ability to preselect suppliers and edit supplier information on the BOM for a job.
  • BOM columns are now colour-coded so it is easier to see which columns relate to which section.
  • Ability to add attachments to Purchase Orders and include these attachments in emails sent to suppliers.
  • Quick email button in quote actions dropdown on job quote page.
  • A count of the number of comments on the tab in the job edit page as well as for workers checking job details.
  • Notes of the maximum attachment size when upload buttons are hovered over.
  • A new option in the reservation system allows reserving by selected item instances.
  • (4.11.1) Stock On Hand report added, allowing for export of historic, cumulative stock on hand levels of all inventory items up to a specified date.


  • Pricing schemes can now be brought back after being discontinued.
  • Job purchasing screen and PO list is now more user-friendly.
  • Pricing schemes list now show only active schemes by default.
  • (4.11.2) Stock movement report page and stock on hand report page are now hidden for users with just the Job Manager role.


  • Attachments on jobs to remain on screen when saving the job.
  • Addressed an issue where Xero branding themes couldn’t be deleted if previously used on a document in Gojee.
  • Fixed an issue when loading the stock movement report page.
  • Resolved job site history sometimes not showing past records.
  • Blank purchase orders (created from jobs with an empty BOM) no longer error.
  • (4.11.1) Bug where not all expense class accounts were showing up for organisation single use item account settings.
  • (4.11.2) An issue with missing job’s information on popovers of staff schedule.


Gojee 4.10 – 2024/05/30


  • Combined “Suppliers” and “Customers” into one Contacts page, more in line with Xero’s implementation. The navigation screen will now redirect Suppliers and Customer functions to this page.
  • When viewing contacts on Gojee, you will have the ability to filter your contacts by customers, suppliers, or all at once. You can also have contacts that are neither a customer nor supplier.
  • Dropdown arrow that allows batch filling of a job across all rows on the Bulk Time Entry page.
  • Popup notifications on Contact Edit page, Customer and Supplier Create page, and Inventory Edit page. These notifications will replace the old message component that is usually displayed at the top of the page.


  • Redesigned inventory item modal to make choice of single-use or catalogue items more visible.
  • Popover on Purchase Order page to set quantity to be ordered now closes on click, instead of when mouse is moved away.
  • Invoices generated from quotes now have functionality to show sub-items of templates.
  • Quotes now must be in Open or Rejected status before they can be deleted.


  • Instances where the default currency is empty when creating new purchase orders.
  • BOM item name in the job popover is no longer shortened.
  • Explanations about staff roles now disappear.
  • Missing currency labels on various reports and pages are now present.
  • Creating/editing/importing inventory now takes leading/trailing spaces in item codes into account.
  • Resolved issue where shipment status is not updated correctly when updating purchase orders.
  • Instances where sometimes a comma is prepended to negative currency.
  • It is no longer possible to “send” an email to a customer whose email address has not been recorded.


Gojee 4.9 – 2024/05/06


  • Multi-currency support for invoices, quotes, purchase orders, goods receipts and supplier bills.
  • Quote audit trail for creating, editing, approving, rejecting and sending quotes.


  • Approval/rejection and Sales Orders on the quote/estimates page, now in a drop-down Quote Actions menu.
  • Tasks started on demand for a specific job now also show job title in selection dialog.
  •  Job tasks started on demand now stay on the page until they are marked as complete instead of being removed when stopped.


  • Added ability to remove a sales person from customer job.
  • A bug where changing the name of a single use stock item in a template causes the item to duplicate in the job bill of materials.


Gojee 4.8 – 2024/04/06


  • Tags for jobs – this allows user to create, set, and filter by tags.
  • Bulk data entry table for staff time.
  • Sales person filter and column are now present on the job list.
  • A “Received by” section (with fields for signature and date) now appears at the end of delivery dockets so they can be easily signed for.


  • Restrict user from selecting account type BANK for inventory items.
  • Asset cost per unit in jobs is now editable.
  • Cost used on the job review page for untracked items and assets can be updated on the BOM page (i.e. these costs can be updated at a job level without updating the catalogue).


  • It is no longer possible for prepayments to take zero or negative values.


Gojee 4.7 – 2024/03/12


  • Column category options for the job bill of materials (BOM) table.
  • Link to edit catalogue item name from within the BOM page name popover.


  • Item description popover on BOM is now opened and closed by clicking rather than hovering.
  • Name of single use stock item to be editable in the popover mentioned above.
  • Formatting of numbers on the BOM page.


  • Issue with quantity and total amount field being displayed/hidden inappropriately on quote creation page.
  • Issue with confirmation modal appearing inappropriately on quote create/edit page while expected quote total and actual quote total are the same.
  • Issue with validating customer’s email in Xero before saving job.
  • Issue with invoice price being calculated incorrectly when creating from a quote.
  • Issue with customer’s phone number not being stored correctly after the details were updated on a job.


Gojee 4.6 – 2023/01/29


  • Buttons to reserve available items for a job and to save the job without exiting the page on the job edit page
  • Buttons to consume all reserved items for a job and to consume available items with job required qty for a job on record consumable page.
  • Allow users to set a prior transaction date when creating a goods receipt.
  • Allow users to update/edit/void goods receipts.
  • Xero tracking category integration, including dropdowns on Job create/edit page, invoice page and supplier bill page. Job’s tracking categories are also included in Xero manual journals when users record consumables or return stock and raise a new goods receipt.
  • A job history tab in inventory edit page, which shows jobs that have or consumed the selected inventory.
  • An additional option in the stock item dropdown to create a new inventory item and add it to a job from the job page itself.


  • The layout of the “Job Settings” tab on the job create/edit page has been updated.
  • Consolidated buttons next to search bar on Job BOM page to be options of a dropdown buttons.
  • Process for populating default items onto a new invoice; the system will now consider any items that have been included in previous invoices and display the remaining quantity that should be included on the invoiced by default.
  • Record consumables page to display if an item was removed from job after it was already consumed.


  • A bug where opening and closing table options in customer jobs would warn that “Filter settings have been applied” even though no filter settings have been applied.
  • A bug with the record consumables page, where the page would allow you to attempt to consume more items than were available, which would result the system disallowing and creating an error.
  • A bug with the record consumables page, where when selecting reserved instances from the same location, after selecting one instance, all other instances from the same location disappear from the dropdown.


Gojee 4.5 – 2023/12/20


  • Optional fields including title, summary, expiry date and footer notes on quotes when selecting Gojee Branding Theme. This additional information will be displayed on quote pdf.
  • A checkbox on quote creation page to allow users to hide discount and GST on quote pdf.
  • Ability to sort tables by additional columns in the job list and inventory list pages.


  • Layout of quote creation page to simplify the page.


  • A bug with record consumables, where sometimes consuming / returning items would fail due to empty quantity fields.
  • An issue with the import file for bulk stock adjustments.


Gojee 4.4 – 2023/11/22


  • Ability to approve jobs for purchasing, and require approval prior to raising a new PO for jobs.
  • Ability to raise a PO for all approved jobs and stock replacements in one process.
  • A filter on the customer jobs page to show jobs that are approved for purchasing.
  • Ability to edit more details of the PO including the reference, branding theme and delivery details.
  • Icons indicating if there are comments and/or attachments on customer job page.
  • Gojee branding theme to allow users create quotes with tables split into sections.
  • Gross profit and gross margin on the job edit and job profit page.


  • Picking slip will now show the same level of detail as what is displayed on the record consumables page.
  • Job list page to maintain selected filters and page index when navigating away and retuning to the page.
  • Limited the number of tracked per instance items that can be received in any one goods receipt process to a maximums of 99 in order to speed up the page load time.
  • Extended the cost adjustments (work in progress) module to work individually for each stock item based on their accounts in inventory settings, instead of using one global account for cost of sales.
  • Added preferred start date as a default column for approved and all open customer job pre-filters.
  • Name of ‘Net Markup %’ field on job edit page changed to ‘Gross Markup %’. The calculation and functionality remains the same.


  • Issue with new invoice showing incorrect default due date based on customer contact’s setting.
  • Job profit page to display revenue and profit excluding tax.


Gojee 4.3 – 2023/10/25


  • New pre-filters on the job list page.
  • New additional column options for the job list page.
  • Show serial numbers for every movement of an item. This is on the “movement” tab on edit inventory page and the inventory movement page.
  • Validation on Goods receipt page to prevent creating a goods receipt without any line items.
  • Added Quote number on Quote Report page and Job Quote page and made it searchable.


  • Modified default column settings on the job list page.
  • Quote reference now has a number automatically prepended to the reference.
  • Changed label of the dropdown to include quote-number and total-amount on modal for sending quote emails.
  • Purchase orders to no longer warn about ordering non job items during creation.
  • Removed redundant field for customer name on Goods Receipt view page.


  • Improved error handling when attempting to adjust reserved items.
  • Issue with input field for Asset account code where users are allowed to change account code while there is stock on hand for the item.
  • Issue with refunding payments on invoices.


Gojee 4.2 – 2023/10/06


  • New “Cost Adjustments” add-on feature in Organisation Settings.
  • Emails can be addressed to additional contact people when sending Invoice/Quote/Purchase Orders.


  • Default ‘Due Date’ on invoices and supplier bills now uses contact’s settings before organisation’s settings.
  • Cost-per-unit is now editable for untracked inventory items on BOM page.
  • Default unit-price of untracked items on purchase orders now reads the cost-per-unit set on BOM page.
  • Removed redundant fields from supplier bill create page.
  • Job reference number is no longer prepended to supplier bill reference by default.


  • Qty_on_order for sku and stock is now correct.
  • Formatting issues on Purchase Order list page.
  • Issue with breadcrumb on the supplier bill create page, the purchase order edit page, and the goods receipt create page.


Gojee 4.1 – 2023/09/19


  • Introduced email functionality for purchase orders on purchase order list
  • The Record Consumables page can now select different material detail levels.
  • Added an option to set ‘Deliver To’ details the same as in ‘Invoice To’ on delivery docket.


  • Fixed an issue where qty_on_order for sku and stock is not correct
  • Resolved issue with duplicate item codes in column ‘Item Code List’ of a job’s purchase orders.
  • Having an empty date in the active jobs page will no longer cause an error.

Gojee 4.0 – 2023/08/22


  • Added a feature to re-order stock based on stock-level.
  • You can now create purchase orders separate from jobs.
  • The job edit page for relevant jobs is now present for every purchase order on the Purchase Order list page
  • Search result on the Purchase Order list page is now persistent.
  • Added qty on order in required qty summary popup
  • Added a remove button for every purchase order on create purchase order page


  • Record Consumables now automatically posts cost adjustments for tracked and untracked inventory.
  • Rewrote content in the popover of `Unfreeze` and `Undo Edits` button on Job BOM page.
  • Archived suppliers no longer show in purchase order and supplier related dropdowns.


  • Fixed an issue with submitting user’s contact details on the Welcome to Gojee modal.


Gojee 3.6 and prior changelog entries are not shown here at this time. Please contact us if you are interested in prior changelogs.